Committees and Editorial Service
Thesis Committee Member for the following students:
Daniel Neira-González (2023 - present), Ph.D. Student.
Advisors: Subhash Sarin and Manish Bansal
Hyunwoo Lee (2023 - present), Ph.D. Student.
Advisors: Esra Toy and Robert Hildebrand
External Examiner for the following students:
Mari E. Rugland (2021), "An object-oriented framework for the optimization of flexible renewable energy systems," Master’s Thesis, Dept. of Chemical Engineering, NTNU.
Supervisors: Johannes Jäschke, Truls Gundersen, and Avinash S. R. Subramanian
Petter E. Nordby (2021), "Optimization of flexible renewable energy systems under uncertainty," Master’s Thesis, Dept. of Energy & Process Engineering, NTNU.
Supervisors: Truls Gundersen, Johannes Jäschke, and Avinash S. R. Subramanian
Invited Peer-Reviewer for the following funding programs:
Ad hoc Reviewer for the U.S. National Science Foundation, 2025.
Panelist for the U.S. National Science Foundation, 2024.
Invited Peer-Reviewer for the following journals/conferences (Reviewer Profile):
- Operations Research
- Mathematical Programming
- SIAM Journal on Optimization
- Journal of Global Optimization
- Optimization Letters
- Set-Valued & Variational Analysis
- IISE Transactions
- Annals of Operations Research
- Electric Power Systems Research
- American Control Conference
- Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications
- Computational Optimization and Applications
- INFORMS Journal on Computing
- Mathematics of Operations Research
- Optimization Methods and Software
- INFORMS Journal on Optimization
- Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research
- IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology
- IEEE Transactions on Automation Science & Engg.
- Computers and Chemical Engineering
Professional and Institutional Service
Elected Vice-Chair of Global Optimization, INFORMS Optimization Society, 2025-2026
Served in the following committees at Virginia Tech:
InclusiveVT Committee, ISE Department, 2023-2025
Graduate Admissions Committee, ISE Department, 2023-2025
Judge, ISE Graduate Research Poster Competition, Virginia Tech, 2023, 2024
Session Chair at the following conferences:
Organized monthly teleconference meetings on Optimization Under Uncertainty as part of the DOE MACSER Project (Nov. 2018 to Nov. 2020)
Educational Outreach
Panelist, Alpha Pi Mu Undergraduate Research Panel, Virginia Tech, 2024
Math Lecturer for the IIT Joint Entrance Exam (IIT JEE), 2016
Recorded online video lectures for the entrance exam to the IITs as part of an MIT team
Featured on MIT OpenCourseWare and supported by the MIT Office of Digital Learning
Math Olympiad Trainer, Science & Math Academy for Real Talents, India, 2008-2011
Coached 30 middle-school and high-school students each year for the Math Olympiad
One trainee was selected for the 2010 International Math Olympiad Training Camp
Volunteer, National Services Scheme, IIT Madras, 2008-2009
Designed and demonstrated science experiments to students in underprivileged schools
Videos recorded as a Math Lecturer for the IIT JEE